Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy New Year

It’s already February; where did those 31 days of January go? I haven’t even made my 2013 resolutions yet! Luckily, being of Asian/Chinese decent, I get a second chance to celebrate a New Year. Chinese (Lunar) New Year is on Feb 10th this year. Now, I really have to buckle down and get started on 2013! I invite each of you to think and act on your 2013 goals and dreams.

The snake is the 6th animal sign of the 12-year Chinese zodiac cycle. People born in the year of the Snake are seen as wise, logical, intuitive, introspective, and dedicated. 2013 is the year of the black water Snake; it is going to be an exciting year for many. Hence, most of you will not want to be rushed or stressed this year. Peace, tranquility, and rest will provide strength in the Year of the Snake. This is a good year to explore adding a relaxing activity to your wellness program, such as mediation, Tai Chi, or a stress-relieving acupuncture session. 

In Chinese culture, the Snake is often seen as the healer of the physical body, and represents a shift to a more spiritual path. The Chinese zodiac repeats every 12 years; however, the specific combination of animal and element occurs only every 60 years. So, I invite each of you to take advantage of this energy and go within yourselves and think about shedding the bad of years past and start anew in 2013.

Happy New Year!