Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Feeling jolly this holiday season!

Holiday season is upon us. Our calendars are filling up with holiday dinners and parties, where many of us will gorge on a bountiful of food and drinks.

The tips below will keep you feeling jolly through this time of year.

·         Drink too much? Counteract the effects by drinking a large amount of green tea as soon as possible. Researchers have found that antioxidants (called catechins) found in green tea inhibit absorption of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to less of an inflammatory response and faster elimination.

·         Stuffed from eating too much? Oolong tea helps settle an upset stomach, improves digestion, and prevents acid reflux.

·         Feeling under the weather?

o   Senna tea is a natural laxative, preventing constipation and relieves the discomfort caused by food that builds up in the colon.
o   Apply pressure to the following acupressure point: In the middle of your inner wrist, two-and-one-half finger widths below the wrist crease. As you press down on the point, take a deep breath and release your breath slowly. This point relieves stomachaches, indigestion, nausea, and anxiety.
o   Apply White Flower oil to your belly and rub your stomach clockwise for about 2 minutes. This helps with constipation and stomachaches.

Finally, eat mindfully. Enjoy and savor every single bite; take in the moment; and be thankful for the experience!

Points of Wellness wishes everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful for each and every one of you!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Year of the Green Horse

The Lunar New Year begins on January 31, 2014. With this new year, we welcome in the Year of the Green Horse, and say good bye to the Year of the Snake. Green symbolizes Spring, which is full of new life and energy. This Year of the Horse promises productive energies. I advise taking advantage of the positive energy this year brings by putting your goals into action, such as your health goals.

How can you improve your health this year? I hope that each and every one of you makes prevention a key part of your goalsPrevention is the key to staying well. Why wait until you have a heart attack to make changes in your life? Why not make those changes now and prevent the heart attack from happening? Think about and put into motion how you can become healthier and stay healthier this year.

Here are some tips to help you:

First, evaluate your eating habits and food intake. As many of you know, I am a big advocate of food as medicine. For example, chicken soup can help treat a cold. Natural foods have healing propertiesFor instance, fresh ginger tea is a great anti-bacterial for stomach issues, from nausea to stomach pains. Learn the basics of food nutrition and it will truly enhance your journey to better health.

Next, evaluate your lifestyleFrom how you live to what you eat, live according to the seasons. It's winter so don't be too hard on your body if it desires more rest. Your body needs to rest and get ready for Spring. Keep up with your vitamins, especially if you are not keeping up with your food nutrition. Also, if you feel a cold coming on, stop by the clinic and checkout some of our herbals to help you stay healthyBug Beater is a great herbal for helping to keep colds at bay. The winter is also a good time to eat warmer foods. If you must have a salad, couple it with a cup of soup. Try lightly sauteeing or steaming your vegetables to warm them up.  

Finally, live mindfully. Do everything with a purpose and live in the moment: enjoy what you eat and do. When exercising, listen to your body. Work your body hard, but do not over do it. Show your body appreciation by eating good, nutritious foods that not only nourishes it, but feeds your soul. Show your body and mind how to destress and enjoy what life has to offer. Choose to live.

If you are having trouble starting the Year of the Green Horse on the right track, come by theclinic and we can put you on the right track. Regular acupuncture treatments will help you maintain all your hardwork. This year, remember, prevention is key: do not let your pain or ailments get bad before you come in to see me. Let’s treat that stress before it tears down your immune system.

Use the energy of the Green Horse wisely; don’t waste it by taking on so much that you end up doing nothingSet a goal each month, or small goals each week. Do what it takes to make this year different and better!

Points of Wellness would like to you wish you and your family a healthy and productive Year of the Green Horse!