February is heart health awareness month. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, as well as a major cause of disability. Beware of discomforts in the chest area, other upper body discomforts (such as pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms), and shortness of breath, which are all common signs of heart problems.
Chinese Medicine uses visual cues to diagnose possible symptoms of Heart Disease. For example, a vertical or tangential crease on your earlobes, a horizontal crease across the bridge of the nose, or a deep narrow central crack on the tongue extending to the tip and/or a deviated tongue are all signs of possible Heart Disease.
In Chinese Medicine, the Heart corresponds to the element of fire and is associated with the color red and the Summer season. However, the Heart dislikes heat and is vulnerable to being invaded by exterior heat (e.g., the heating system in your house). Keeping your body hydrated helps to keep the heat from accumulating.
Your lifestyle can greatly affect your heart health. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help you to maintain a healthy weight and good blood pressure. They can also help you to quit smoking, to keep your stress levels down, and to help with improving your sleep. Acupuncture and herbal formulas have been used for thousands of years to nourish the Heart and Blood to prevent and to treat a Heart Imbalance.
Remember, love your heart! Take good care of it, and it’ll go on pumping for a long time!
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