Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Sweet Potatoes and yams are a big part of Western holiday traditions.  However, in China, sweet potatoes are a daily part of one’s diet. Sweet potatoes are believed to be warming to the stomach and can aid in relieving indigestion. When buying sweet potatoes, look for ones that are firm and without soft spots, cracks, or bruises.  Cold temperatures will alter their taste so do not refrigerate your sweet potatoes.  When stored in a cool, dark and well-ventilated area, sweet potatoes will stay firm for 7 to 10 days.
According to Chinese Medicine, sweet potatoes strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourishes your Qi (also known as the body’s energy system), help to clear heat from your body, detoxifies, and helps alleviate constipation.  In terms of Western nutrition, sweet potatoes contain vitamin B6, which soothes your mind as well as strengthens your immune system. Sweet potatoes and yams also happen to be a rich source of DHEA.  As one ages, the body’s levels of DHEA drops.  Thus, eat sweet potatoes year-round and look forward to celebrating a long life!
Check out this great roasted sweet potatoes recipe from Dinner Made Easy:
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! 
Remember to practice mindful eating and to enjoy every bite that enters your mouth.

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